My Gingerbread Man (Man Card Book 13) Page 2
“I feel bad, Noah.”
“Why?” He laughed. “We’re only human. Plus, we were never right for each other.”
“But you think Aiden is right for me?”
“Yeah, I do.”
I rubbed my finger over my temple. This conversation was so weird. “Why?”
He flashed his gorgeous smile. “Well, I think you should discover that for yourself.” Noah’s phone dinged. He pulled it out of his jacket pocket and continued to smile. “Go to the restaurant. Find out. Stop fighting whatever it is between you two and just enjoy the moment.”
“And you’re totally okay with all this?”
“I love you, you know that, right?” I held my index finger up. “Brother and sister love. That’s it.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me close to his body. I rested my head against his chest. “I stayed away all this time because I never wanted to hurt you.”
“I know and I think you’re amazing for being that strong.” He kissed the top of my head. “Stop being so strong and live a little. I think you are both missing out on something special.”
I leaned back and looked up into his eyes. “You do, huh?”
“I do.” He was laughing as he pushed me away. “You’d better hurry. My brother always bakes when he’s feeling upset. Go have fun being a taste tester. You never know, he could make your favorite recipe.”
“What? Seriously?” I pulled my jacket tighter around my body and turned in the opposite direction. Before I ran off, I stopped and looked over my shoulder at Noah. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He waved me off and opened his car door. “Be happy, Cora. You deserve that.”
His words shocked me. How did he know I was so unhappy?
When I left five years ago, I was broken. All I wanted was Aiden.
Was that going to finally happen? I wouldn’t believe it until he was in my arms. I started to run toward my car. The thought of holding Aiden was exciting and not as friends, but this time as lovers.
It took me about ten minutes to drive over to Aiden’s restaurant. On the way there I was listing the pros and cons to this situation. By the time I parked the car my list of pros outweighed the cons.
I lifted my hand to knock on the bay window but stopped and dropped my hand to my side. I noticed Aiden standing behind the bar holding a shot of something. He lifted his head and I could tell he was looking out the window. I was in the shadows so he couldn’t see me.
After all these years I was tired running from what I really wanted. I took one step to the right. The moment I moved out of the shadows I noticed Aiden’s eyes go wide. We stood there for longest time just staring at each other. Finally, he ran over to the door and unlocked it.
“Cora.” He stepped to the side to let me in. “How did you know I was here?”
“A little birdie told me.” I winked as I walked by him and stepped into the dining area. “I hope it’s okay that I stopped by?” I turned around to face him. “I–” Before I could say another word my body was pulled forward until it was resting perfectly against Aiden’s rock-hard chest. “Oh.” I lifted my head to look into his hazel eyes. “Hi.”
“Sorry, I’ve wanted to do this all night.”
“Do what?” I rested my palms on his chest.
“This.” He dropped his head and captured my lips.
It was the first time I had felt Aiden’s lips over mine. I wasn’t prepared for how he made me feel. After all these years I had made myself believe this day would never happen. Now I was in his arms and suddenly I needed more.
Reluctantly I pulled away and stepped back. “Cora, did I do something wrong?”
“No Aiden, you did everything right.”
“Then why are you so far away?”
His words touched me. “We’re only inches apart.”
“Which is too far.” He reached out his hand. “What is it?”
I grabbed his hand but stayed rooted to the spot. “Are you sure this is what you want?” I squeezed his hand. “Because there’s no going back.”
He tugged me forward and I fell against his chest again. “Good, because we’re finally where we’re supposed to be.”
“I didn’t know you thought about me this way, too.”
“I guess I could say the same to you.” He smiled and kissed my temple.
I leaned up on my tip-toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. “It took us long enough.” I rubbed my nose back and forth over his.
“You’re here now.”
The moment I let myself finally feel something for Aiden, I realized what I had been missing all this time.
“Are you still hungry?” I wrapped my arm around Cora’s waist.
“Depends.” She rested her head on my shoulder.
“Depends on what?”
“What you’re making.” She looked up at me and smiled.
“Don’t look at me like that.” I tapped my finger on the tip of her nose.
“Like what?” She dropped her head and covered her nose.
She was resting against my side as we walked into the kitchen. It was weird, something felt different. We felt different. After denying our true feelings for so long, it was like we released the flood gates. “Well, it just so happens that the recipe I’m practicing for the next competition is one of your favorites.”
“You know my favorite recipe?”
“Of course I do.” I kissed the top of her hand and walked over to the shelves to grab some bowls. “That sounded creepy didn’t it?”
When I first met Cora, she would sneak bites of whatever Noah was making. Then one day I was creating this sweet roll recipe. I asked if she would be my guinea pig and try it. She snuck so many bites, by the next day there was half a pan missing.
“Just a little.” She pushed at my side and grabbed my hands. “Don’t fuck around. Did you really make them?”
I walked over to the proofer and grabbed a sheet pan. “You mean these?”
She let out this heavy sigh. “Do you know how long it’s been?”
“I can ballpark it.” I sat the pan down and reached for the flour. “You can’t eat all of them though.”
“Oh my shit, you’re never going to let that go are you?”
I rested my hands on the counter. “Half a pan went missing.”
“Whatever.” She reached down and grabbed some flour and flung it at my face. “The competition this weekend, what’s the focus?”
“We have to build a structure with only bread and then decorate it with different elements. Plus, it needs to have a holiday theme.” I threw the gingerbread dough on the table. “Easy, right?”
“Not even a little bit.” She moved closer to me. “You still find the competitions exciting?”
I moved my body so I was standing behind Cora. She reached for the gingerbread dough and started to knead it. Maybe this was too forward but I didn’t care. I molded my body against her backside. The moment our bodies touched she sucked in a breath. I reached around and rested my hands on top of hers. We started to knead the dough in tandem. Every time I would press down she would push her behind harder against me causing my cock to stir.
“Cora, you’re playing with fire right now.” I whispered beside her ear.
“You started it.” She rested her head back against my shoulder. “Why are you standing like this and helping me knead dough?”
“Well, because it’s fun.” I kissed her temple and wrapped my arms around her waist. “Do you disagree?”
She turned so she could face me and placed her hands on my chest. “Aiden, I should go home.”
“Should? Is there someone waiting for you at home?”
“Just my cat.” She placed her hands on my shoulders and rubbed them up and down my chest. “Can I see you in a few days?”
“You can see me tonight, tomorrow, for eternity.” I sounded ridiculous but it was the truth.
“Oh really?” She ran
her fingers down the side of my face. “Well that’s good to know. I just need to absorb all this right now. I hope you can understand?”
“Are you turned off because I sound like a damn sappy movie?” I reached back and grabbed her hands and brought them out in front of us. I kissed each knuckle before letting her hands go. “I’m going to try to reclaim my fucking man card status and shut the hell up now.”
She burst out laughing and stepped away from me. “I’m not turned off, but this is why I need to leave right now. It’s a lot to absorb all in one night.” She pointed her index finger at me. “But you better be careful, because Noah would have a blast if he knew you lost your man card.”
I reached forward and tickled her side. “He’d better not find out.”
She was giggling as she jumped out of my reach. “Fine, I promise I won’t tell him.” Cora grabbed her purse and jacket. As she walked toward the front door. “Oops, my fingers were crossed.” She held them up and ran to the door.
“Oh no you didn’t.” I pretended to chase after her but let her leave. She was standing on the sidewalk and I was standing in the center of the restaurant. We were watching each other for the longest time. Then she finally turned and walked toward her car.
It was hard to process what had just transpired tonight. My brother gave the go-ahead to show my true feelings for someone I’ve thought about since the moment I met her. I honestly wasn’t ready for what happened tonight. Cora had always made me feel things, but it was my secret. Letting those emotions out in the open was odd. I felt like a damn teenager who couldn’t control his fucking hormones.
Two days later…
“Wait, are you serious?” Mia fell down on the couch beside me. “Noah seriously told you it was okay to date Aiden?” She shook her head. “Did we all land on some alternate universe?”
“Well, to be fair Noah and I were never compatible and we both knew that.” I handed Mia half of the cider donut. “I guess I sucked at trying to keep my feelings for Aiden a secret.”
“Did you know how Aiden felt about you?” Mia sat up and crossed her legs.
“Not really, but I had a feeling. The man is the worst at flirting with me.” I rested my head against the couch cushion and closed my eyes. On my drive home all I could think about was the outline of Aiden’s cock pressed into my ass.
“You just made shit awkward,” Mia said and threw a pillow at my head.
“What the hell?” I pulled the pillow off and lifted my head.
“Dude, you should’ve seen your face just now. Did you just have an orgasm?” She burst out laughing. I threw a pillow back at her but she ducked just in time.
“Suck it.” I pointed my index finger in her direction. “I seem to remember just a few short weeks ago someone all slap happy for a sexy farmer with a delicious beard.” I rolled my eyes and tried not to laugh.
“Oh hush, we’re not talking about me right now.” She grabbed the last cider donut. “So now what?”
“I have no fucking clue,” I groaned and enjoyed the last sip of wine in my glass.
“Will you help with the competition on Saturday?”
I hopped up and walked into the kitchen to grab a refill. “I want to.”
“But it’s really hard being near Aiden.”
Mia grabbed the bottle of wine and poured more in her glass. “Maybe have sex Thursday and Friday to get the crazy hormones out of your system.”
“Mia.” I shook my head and hopped up on the counter and crossed my legs. “Just because I’ve known him for technically almost eight years, does that give the green-light to fuck the first week we’re sorta kinda together.”
“I’m the worst person for this discussion.”
“That’s true, you’re the queen of instant romance.” I traced my finger around the rim of my glass. “How many times did you see Eric before the big day?” Mia covered her face and mumbled something. “What? Speak up, woman.”
“Three. Jeez.”
“Three?” I held up three fingers and giggled. My phone started to ring. “Saved by the ring.” I teased and ran back into the living room to grab my phone. “It’s Aiden.” I looked down at the screen and over at Mia.
“Well answer it.” She stood in the doorway of the kitchen.
I took a second to compose myself and then hit accept. “Hi.”
“Hey, you busy?” Aiden said, and by the tone of his voice he sounded stressed.
“Um, no. Everything okay?”
“Not really. Noah has the flu.”
I sat down on the edge of the coach. “And you have a competition in a few short days.”
“I can back out, but we were wondering if you were up for the challenge?”
I looked over at Mia. She was silently asking me what, but I ignored her. “I’m not great at making bread, Aiden.”
“I can make it.” He didn’t say anything for longest moment. “Can I see you?”
“Do you think you’ll have a better shot convincing me if you see me in person?”
“I just need to see you.”
His words took me by surprise. “Um, sure.” I rattled off my address. “When are you coming over?”
I shoved Mia out of the house and ran around making sure everything was picked up. My glass of wine was sitting on the end table. I grabbed it and downed the rest of the contents. Hopefully the alcohol would calm my nerves.
For the last two days all I could think about was Aiden. I looked down at my wrist and rubbed my fingers over the small tattoo. I had secretly wanted Aiden for so long and now it was happening. A part of me still felt bad. Yet, I knew Noah had moved on.
The other night swam through my mind. Aiden’s lips over mine. I pulled my sleeve down and shook my head. Wine. I needed more wine.
Right as I was pouring another glass the doorbell rang. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. As I walked to the door I gave myself a little pep talk. “Just talk. No sex. Be good.” Right as I swung the door open, Aiden grabbed my hand and pulled me close to his body.
So much for control.
“Um, hi,” Cora said as she stumbled forward and wrapped her arms around my waist.
I dropped my head and did the one thing I craved all night. Kissed her sweet lips. It was hard to keep the kiss simple because she tasted and felt so good.
“Hmmm…Aiden?” Cora stopped the kiss and placed her palm the side of my face. “I don’t want you to think I’m complaining because that was a wonderful greeting.”
“But.” I moved my hands down over her ass.
“But,” she inched closer to me and dropped her forehead on my chest. “Hell, I had a reason but it just disappeared.”
I finally stepped away to give her space to breathe and grabbed her hand. “There’s a reason why I needed to see you.” I guided her into the living room and sat down on the edge of the couch.
“You’re here to beg me to help on Saturday.” I think she actually rolled her eyes as she stepped closer to me.
I patted the cushion. “Join me.” She looked so cute with that curious look on her face. “I’ll be good.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “See, tucked away.”
Cora rolled her eyes and finally plopped down beside me. “I don’t do baking competitions, Aiden.”
I wanted to grab her hand and pull her body onto my lap. Control. I needed some damn control. “Well, we won first place the other day and we couldn’t have done it without you.” Her hands were resting in her lap and she was twirling her thumbs around in a circle. I placed my hand on top of hers to stop the fidgeting. “It was Noah’s suggestion. It would be fun.”
“Fun?” She leapt up and walked into the small kitchen. She turned on her heel. “How long is this competition?”
“It’s six hours because we make yeasted dough and it needs to have time to proof.”
“Right, okay.” She reached in the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of wine. “Well, six hours of constant stress is not what I would call fun.”
“Would it feel like constant stress?” I took a few steps closer to her.
“It doesn’t to you?” She took a sip of wine.
“Some of it, but most of the time I’m just having fun baking.” There were only a few steps separating us.
“Your idea of fun and my idea of fun are two totally different things.” She held the glass of wine against her chest.
“What do you consider fun?” I took the last few steps and was now only inches away.
I heard Cora suck in a breath and had to quickly get my mind focused. If had been years since we were this close (minus what happened two days ago). Just like all the times before all I could think about was holding her near me. For two days I thought about what it would be like to kiss every inch of her sweet body. I needed an excuse to see her but every thought seemed stupid. Then Noah got sick and I realized the Gods were on my side. Well, someone was because I needed a partner for Saturday, and I knew just the perfect candidate. She had short brown hair and stunning chocolate colored eyes.
“Aiden.” She lifted her wine glass to her lips but I grabbed it before she could take a drink.
“Cora.” I stepped closer and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Then I slid my fingers back and wrapped them around the back of her neck. “Tell me something.”
“Um…okay.” Her breath hitched as I pushed my body against hers.
“The way I feel right now. I’ve felt it before.” I brushed my thumb back and forth over her skin. “You know that feeling, right?”
She slowly closed her eyes. I watched how she bit down on her bottom lip. “No.”
“No, you don’t know the feeling?”
Her eyes flew open. “Yes, I mean. Yes, I do know the feeling.”