Need You (The Winters Family Series Book 2) Read online

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  Alyssa seemed a little taken back by his question. “Um... no... it’s okay. I don’t, no. I mean. It’s just Alexandra and I here,” she said, turning the mug in her hand. “In the beginning, when I first opened the cafe, I had a playpen set up for her in the kitchen. We all would talk to her and entertain her. She had been happiest there with us but now she is more active. I set up the schedule so I could work random hours and spend more time with her here.” She realized she had been rambling. She did that when she was nervous. “I’m sorry, that was more information than you needed.”

  Alex noticed her fidgeting and her cheeks were flushed. “No please, it’s okay, I like hearing about you and Alexandra. You both seem to have a very strong bond.”

  Alyssa was confused. Her mind said tell him to leave, her body said keep talking to him. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

  Alex wasn’t for sure what to think. “Ummm... sure,” he said. “Do you have beer?” He needed alcohol to calm his growing nerves.

  Alyssa stood, walked around the island and touched Alex’s arm as she reached into the fridge for a beer. When she leaned back to close the door, she bumped into his chest. Her body came alive at the simple touch. His chest was rock solid which was a definite temptation. All she could see at that moment was running her hands up his muscular chest. She took in a deep breath and handed him the beer. He smelled delicious. She took a moment, then said, “Um... here, sorry.” She walked back to the chair and sat down. “Have you been to Boise before?”

  Alex took a swig of his beer and shook his head. “No, I have never even driven through Idaho. The drive here was stunning. Are you from here?” Alyssa seemed relaxed a few seconds ago, then her body tensed up.

  Alyssa realized she needed to calm down, it had been a simple, harmless question. “No, I was born and raised in Michigan.” Looking down to avoid his stare, she traced the rim of her coffee mug with her finger. She whispered, “I was ready for a change.”

  Alex could tell there was more she was not sharing. Maybe someday she would tell him or maybe not. He knew at that moment he had over-stayed his welcome. “Listen, it’s late. I can stop in when you’re at the cafe tomorrow, maybe you can show me some of your recipes.” He took a few more swigs of his beer and finished the bottle. He headed toward the door, turned and bumped right into Alyssa. His body hummed with awareness. He stepped back. “Thank you, Alyssa, for the opportunity to work at your cafe. I look forward to the challenge and working with you.” He put out his hand to shake her own.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off him, clearing her throat, “Thank you, Alex. I look forward to working with you, too. Lexie and I will be there between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.” She stretched out her hand to shake his. The moment they made contact, she was aware of their connection. She pulled her hand free and clasped her hands together in front of her.

  Alex smiled and turned to go. Looking back once to see her face in the moonlight. This job may end up being the hardest thing he had ever done. He realized walking around with a constant erection would not be easy.

  Alyssa closed the door and leaned up against it, and realized there had been some serious sparks passing between them both. She could still smell his scent which messed with her emotions. She wrapped her arms across her chest and closed her eyes… what just happened?

  Alex hopped up into his pickup truck and sat there for a moment. He found himself looking at Alyssa’s house and wondering how there could be that much intensity between them? Heck, he knew nothing about her. He ran his hands through his hair and shook his head.

  Chapter 3

  Alyssa was in the bathroom combing her hair when the doorbell rang. She looked over at the small clock sitting on the counter that read 8:00 a.m. What was it about getting visitors at odd times the last few days?

  Lexie was in the living room watching cartoons and dancing around. She yelled out, “I can get it, Mommy!” She ran to the door just as Alyssa rounded the corner to her entry way.

  “Hold on, sweetie. Let’s look and see who it is first,” Alyssa said, and they both peeked through the side window.

  Lexie’s eyes went big. “Alex! Mommy, hurry, get the door.”

  Alyssa felt a little confused to why Alex would be at her house at 8:00 in the morning. She helped Lexie unlock and open the door. Her daughter squealed with delight. “Alex!” Then Alyssa was shocked to see her daughter hold her arms out to be picked up. Alex had to be about 6’ 4”, so he towered over little Lexie.

  She watched him reach down and pick up Lexie. “Well good morning, sunshine. How are you this lovely morning?” he said, smiling.

  Lexie giggled. “Good. Do you want to watch cartoons with me?”

  “Better take a rain check. I have to work today.”

  Lexie’s little shoulders slumped. “Awwww, man.”

  Alyssa couldn’t take her eyes off them. Alex seemed so comfortable with her daughter in his arms. “Sweetie, we have to go hang out at the café, too,” she said, rubbing her daughter’s back.

  Lexie perked right back up. “Oh, that’s right, I need my cheese danid.” Looking at Alex, she exclaimed, “I decided I wanted a strawberry one. Do you think Aunt Anna made a strawberry one today?”

  Alyssa laughed. “I bet she has way more than one, sweet girl.”

  Alex turned toward Alyssa, and asked, “I thought I would see if you wanted to carpool? My house I’m renting is about a mile down the road.”

  Alyssa’s heart rate increased and her palms felt sweaty. “Um, sure, I guess. I need to just finish getting ready, give me a few minutes.”

  Lexie clapped her hands together. “Oh, yay! Come and watch cartoons while momma gets ready.”

  Alex laughed and walked into the house still holding Lexie. Alyssa went back into her bathroom to finish getting ready.

  He sat down on the edge of the couch, his elbows resting on his knees, and hands clasped together. Lexie had her back against his legs and her hand was resting on his knee. Every once in awhile, you would hear her giggle over a scene on the television. This little girl did not seem afraid of anything. He looked around the room and noticed several photos of one man. He wasn’t for sure if he should ask, then went for it. “Lexie, who is the man in all your photos?”

  Lexie turned in a circle. Then rested one hand on one of his knees and rested the other on his other knee. Swinging back and forth in between his legs, she said, “That was my daddy. He died.” Then she turned and resumed watching her show like she had told him the sky was blue or dogs are cuddly.

  Alex felt stunned for a moment, then realized that made sense. Alyssa had seemed distant, uncomfortable, and nervous to talk about herself. He wanted to ask another question but heard Alyssa coming down the hallway.

  She entered the room and had a look of complete shock etched on her face. Lexie’s back was resting against Alex’s knee still. She composed herself and with a sigh, she said, “Okay, are we ready to head out?”

  Lexie twirled in place and ran to her mom. With a finger to her lips like she was thinking, she asked, “Hmmmmm… did we feed Chocolate and Blueberry?”

  “Yup, I sure did.”

  Then she looked up, still thinking. “Did you leave something plugged in?”

  “Nope, we had cereal this morning, and I didn’t style my hair.”

  Lexie seemed to think more. “Hmmmm... do you feel ready, Momma?”

  “I do, beautiful girl!”

  “This a daily routine for you both?” Alex asked, chuckling.

  Alyssa’s cheeks flushed a little. “It is.”

  Alex looked from Alyssa to Lexie, and asked, “Who are Blueberry and Chocolate?”

  Lexie gasped, then jumped up with excitement. “They are our kitties. Do you want to meet them?”

  “How about next time, sunshine? We need to get you a cheese danish soon, right?”

  “Oh yes, let’s go!”

  They all piled into the double-cab pickup. They had put Lexie’s car seat in the back. Alex glanced
between them both. “Okay, are we ready to go now?”

  Lexie giggled. “Yes!”

  Alex did not understand what he was thinking, let alone what he was doing. This morning he woke up and could not get Alyssa out of his mind. His house was only about a mile away from her own. Since he was hoping to go over recipes with her today, he figured why not carpool? There was nothing wrong with carpooling, right? Okay, sure, he was just wanting to be near her as much as he could. When she opened the door with little Lexie, her scent invaded his nose. She smelled of coffee, vanilla, and just a hint of something fruity like strawberries. Oh, he was in trouble. He didn’t see himself waiting for a year to date again… so much for self-control.

  They all three walked into the cafe together. Alyssa felt uncomfortable as she headed in with Alex. Rachel was at the counter ringing a customer up. She glanced up and raised her eyebrows. Anna was walking up front, halted and smiled.

  Alyssa looked at Alex, and asked, “Can you give me a few? I need to run to my office for something. Lexie, baby, have a seat at the counter for Momma okay? Miss Rachel will get you a treat?”

  Lexie smiled. “Okay, Momma!” Then she grabbed Alex’s hand. “Come on.”

  Alyssa looked at their clasped hands and shook her head. She then gave a knowing look at Anna that said follow me now.

  Anna received the message loud and clear and followed behind Alyssa. Once in her office, she shut and locked the door. “Are you okay, Honey?” Anna asked, sounding concerned.

  Alyssa recounted the last twenty-four hours, and asked, “Am I okay? I don’t know. Last night I was sitting at my kitchen counter at 8:30 thinking and drinking coffee. I know I shouldn’t drink coffee at night before I go to bed. Anyway, someone knocked at my door… it was Alex… at 8:30 last night. Rachel gave him my address. Then this morning he shows up at my door asking if I want to carpool.” Alyssa felt breathless and confused. “Plus, to top it all off, Lexie loves him. She was resting against him while watching TV. I don’t even know him. Okay, so we talked a few times on the phone, but still. Anna, what’s going on? What should I do?” She fell into her chair behind the desk and sighed.

  Anna sat in a chair opposite her. “Honey, have you noticed how that man looks at you? Darling, it’s all about chemistry, pure physical attraction.”

  Alyssa leaned up and looked at the kind woman. Anna was like a sister to her, she confided in her. “Why now? After two years of just living life, everything’s been fine. Then someone out of the blue blindsides me.”

  “Love, relationships, happiness, they’re never planned… and they happen when you least expect it. Maybe this is a sign telling you it’s time to let go, move on, find love again.”

  “How do I move on? I made a vow to Derek. I can’t break our vow... can I?”

  Anna rose from her chair and took the few steps over to Alyssa. She grabbed both of her friend’s hands to pull her up. “Sweetheart, don’t take this the wrong way, but you have been living for a man who died two years ago,” Anna said, cautiously. “The moment he left this world, your vows were a part of the past. Do you think Derek would want you to be alone and without love? No, he wants to see you happy again.”

  Alyssa felt tears sting her eyes. “I’m scared Anna. I’m afraid to love and then lose again. My heart couldn’t take it.”

  Anna wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her. “We can never know what will happen, that’s life. Living your life in fear is not the answer though. Letting go is the answer… for Derek.”

  Alyssa held her friend so tight. “I don’t know.”

  “Your heart knows, darling. It will tell you when it’s ready.”

  Alyssa walked to the front of the restaurant and about tripped over her own two feet. Lexie was sitting on Alex’s lap coloring a picture, animatedly telling him a story. He seemed so interested in what her daughter was sharing. She took in a deep breath and headed over to them.

  Alex glanced up to see Alyssa heading their way. “Your momma’s back.”

  Lexie smiled. “Oh yay, look what I drawed, Momma.”

  Alyssa looked down to see three stick figures… not her normal two. “Very nice, sweet pea. Who are you drawing today?”

  Lexie pointed at each stick figure. “It’s you, me, and Mr. Alex on our walk yesterday.”

  Alyssa needed to sit down for a moment. She grabbed the chair next to Alex and rested her elbows on the counter.

  Rachel walked over. “You hungry, sweetie?”

  “Did Lexie eat already?” Alyssa asked.

  “Yup Momma, Alex gots me a strawberry danid!”

  Alyssa had no idea what to think anymore. “Rachel, can you get me a veggie and brisket omelet? Thank you so much.”

  “That sounds amazing.”

  Rachel looked at Alex. “Should I order you one, too?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Lexie was continuing to color on the picture while humming. Alyssa wanted to crawl back into bed and start this crazy day over again. How could it be possible that her life had spun out of control? Now her own daughter seemed to be BFF’s with the new chef. A man no one knew yet. Okay, Alyssa knew since she ran a background check on him. But still... he had just arrived in town yesterday for crying out loud.

  “Momma, you want to color with us?”

  Alyssa realized she had been lost in thought and not paying attention to her own daughter. “Sure, baby girl.”

  Lexie moved to Alex’s other leg and sat closer to her mom. At that moment, Alyssa’s body hummed with all the female awareness. Their arms were touching as Lexie leaned in to color a little flower. Alyssa didn’t want to be rude so she sat there.

  Alex didn’t know what to make of this day. How was it that Lexie seemed so attached to him all morning? He had no nieces or nephews. Maybe it was written on his forehead, “I am a sucker for cute kids.” If he was being honest with himself, he could fall in love with little Lexie. The moment Alyssa rested her arm against his, he felt warmth run through his whole body. Alex shook his head because this day could not get any stranger.

  Later in the day Lexie continued to entertain herself by coloring pictures, along with helping Rachel at the cash register. Alex and Alyssa spent the afternoon going over recipes, the menu, and the schedule. They also discussed ordering days and which system she used to order the items. After about four hours, Alyssa knew she needed to get Alexandra home. She and Alex walked into her office, sweet Lexie was sleeping on a cot in the corner.

  “There is something about a sleeping child that just calms me,” Alyssa said, leaning against the desk.

  “Could it be that you know you have a few minutes to yourself?”

  “That could be true.”

  “Thank you for this opportunity,” Alex said, placing his hands in his pockets. “I’m looking forward to my first official day tomorrow. You heading home?”

  They both stood there for a moment looking at each other. Alyssa broke the silence. “Yes. I will be in tomorrow after I drop off Lexie at preschool, and should be able to work with you all day. There is some work I need to do in the office.” She realized she was over-talking and shut up.

  “Sounds perfect.” As much as he had the desire to kiss her, instead he headed to pack-up his knives.

  Alyssa sat down in the chair and took in a deep breath, then exhaled. Being that close to Alex for that many hours… her body needed a serious release. She leaned over and kissed the top of Lexie’s head. “Hey baby girl, you ready to head home for the night?”

  Lexie moaned, then stretched, and with a sleepy voice she said, “Okay, Mommy.”

  When Alyssa arrived home a part of her wanted to invite Alex in, but she decided to ignore that feeling.

  Chapter 4

  By Friday, Alex had the system down and felt comfortable with the staff. The cafe was a busy place- yet was on a much smaller scale than the restaurant where he worked in L.A. He felt comfortable with the recipes. Loved that they had a brick oven and was working on mastering woo
d smoking.

  His only problem. Well, maybe not a problem. Every time Alyssa was near him, his body desired her. He wanted to ask her out to dinner but he wasn’t sure what she would think.

  Later in the day, Alyssa walked up to Alex, who was stirring a pot of barbecue sauce. She explained some of the changes to the evening’s menu, when she noticed Alex inch closer to her. Continuing to explain about the shortage of brisket, her words trailed off. She felt his hand move up her back and his body mere inches from hers.

  “Alyssa?” he said, trying to stay composed. Of course, every cell in Alex’s body was screaming her name. He never meant to move so close to her, but her vanilla and strawberry scent was intoxicating.

  This whole week, Alex tossed and turning at night thinking about what Alyssa would feel like in his embrace. It was time to see what Alyssa thought of him. Time to let her know how he felt about this beautiful woman. This determined chef with a radiant smile and a body to make any man stop in his tracks.

  “Hmmmmm...” Alyssa was lost in the moment she never thought she would feel again after the accident. She was trying to ignore her feelings all week, but the feel of his touch on her back, and his body touching hers. Could this be happening? Especially to someone who had loved and then lost so tragically?

  “What was that you were saying about the shortage of brisket?” he said, with a slight smile.

  Feeling every nerve in her body light up. A feeling she didn’t want to let go of, she wanted to enjoy every ounce of this moment. “Alex, what are you doing?”

  He looked at the sauce and then at her. “Stirring the sauce.”

  Alyssa smiled. “I mean, well...” she stammered for the words, but they were lost in her throat. He inched closer, she felt the tightness of his pants and knew he was aroused. That feeling sent shock waves up her spine.