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Need You (The Winters Family Series Book 2) Page 6
Need You (The Winters Family Series Book 2) Read online
Page 6
“Best dreams ever,” she sighed and reached the hand he had just kissed forward to touch the side of his face. “How about you chef, did you sleep well?”
“Nope, I thought about you all night long. Woke up and came over to spend the morning with you both. I hope that’s okay?” he asked.
Alyssa decided to not play fair, rose from her sitting position, and moved her legs off the bed. She bumped into Alex on purpose and stood in front of him in just her little nightshirt that hung just below her behind. She whispered. “You could’ve just stayed with us last night.” She leaned against his knees. “Then your thoughts could’ve been a reality.”
Alex opened his legs enough to let her slide in place. “Hmmmm… tease.” He moved his hand up her leg just below her bottom and realized she had no panties on. He raised his eyebrow. “Did you forget something when you went to bed last night, Alyssa?” He took the plunge and brought both hands over her behind and squeezed. “You will make my day challenging,” he said, and pulled her forward to kiss her.
They both could hear Lexie running down the hallway in their direction. Alyssa moved away from Alex’s embrace but held onto his hand behind her back. “Hey sweet pea! Should we get ready to go to the cafe?” Alyssa squeezed his hand, then let go. She bent down so that Lexie could run into her outstretched hands for a big bear hug.
“Yes, Momma! I’m hungry for another cheese danid.” She hopped around, “Come on, Momma!”
Alyssa laughed. “Okay, okay, keep your pants on.”
Then suddenly Lexie stopped hopping around, looked down, then raised her arms up high. “But Momma, I not wearing any pants!”
At that moment, the room was full of laughter. Alyssa grabbed Lexie and twirled her in place. When she stopped, Lexie leaned forward and gave her a big kiss. “I love you, Momma!”
After their morning full of giggles, they all three piled in Alex’s truck. Alyssa stayed quiet on the drive over to the cafe. Lexie was miss chatty Cathy. Alyssa was lost in thought and let herself enjoy the gorgeous morning. Boise had a beauty all its own with the rugged landscape and gorgeous trees hugging everything in sight. The city was surrounded by mountains on every corner. Boise was similar to Michigan, so Alyssa could still enjoy her four seasons… especially Fall.
Her mind struggled to remember the time she used to spend with Derek just over two years ago. She thought about the beautiful two-story home they bought a few years after they were married. The home was set back in the woods away from all the hustle and bustle. There had been a lovely back yard for their children to enjoy. She and Derek had always talked about having four kids. Now, today, Alyssa thought about just having one more, maybe. She always wanted a sister or brother for little Lexie. As the years passed by, her opportunity to have kids seemed to fade. She wasn’t getting any younger.
Alyssa could feel tears threatening to fall but she fought them off. She planned to avoid the painful memories, it was time to find peace. That thought had been important for not just herself but for Derek, too. If she held the memories close, it would be easy for anyone to see her sadness. She sighed and decided it was time for some of the past to fade away, maybe she needed to lock them in a special corner of her heart.
She glanced over at Alex and Lexie who were both talking and realized at that moment why it would be important for her to let go of the past. Derek would always be with her, no one could take her memories away, but she felt ready to smile again. It had been exhausting to live with the pain and sad memories that appeared regularly in her day. She realized at that moment that maybe Alex was supposed to come into their lives. After being numb for so long, she seemed to enjoy feeling again… especially Alex’s sweet kisses.
The man on her mind turned toward Alyssa and gave her the most heart stopping smile. He reached his hand over and squeezed her thigh. She could get used to having a man around again, which only slightly scared her.
Alex seemed curious. “You look lost in thought. Everything okay?”
Alyssa turned in her seat and reached for his hand. “For the first time in a long time, yeah, everything is wonderful.”
Lexie had two little stuffed toys with her and had been sharing a pretend conversation between them. “Here Momma, you be Mr. Fred. I be Sadie, k?” she said, reaching forward.
Alyssa laughed. “Okay baby girl, but I believe we are just about to the cafe,” she said, and grabbed the stuffed toy named, Mr. Fred.
Alexandra sounded distracted. “Oh, yay! I love the cafe!”
“Me too, sweet pea.”
A few minutes later Alex pulled into the cafe’s parking lot. He turned off the engine, and asked Alyssa, “If you want to keep the last twenty-four hours between us, I promise, I will not say anything. You let me know when you feel ready, okay?”
Alyssa loved this feeling overtaking her body. She felt so good whenever Alex had been around. “I don’t know what to do, but I know I want whatever’s happening between us. I don’t want to hide my feelings for you, or the happiness you have created in me in just the last twenty-four hours. How does this sound? We can enjoy the ride and see where this new adventure takes us?”
Alex felt speechless and lost in a sea of caramel that made-up her amazing eyes. He cleared his throat. “Time to enjoy the new adventure.”
Alyssa reached over and touched the side of his face. He leaned into her touch and moved his head to kiss her palm. She felt immediate heat all the way to her most intimate spot. She whispered, “And this is only the beginning.” She then leaned back to unbuckle Lexie’s seat. “Hey cutie, should we ask Alex to stay over tonight? We could have a slumber party and make a fort in the living room? Then...” she reached in and tickled Lexie. “He could join us on our favorite Sunday walk.”
Lexie giggled. “Do you know how to make a living room fort, Alex?” she asked, wiggling out of her car seat.
Alex felt speechless. “I don’t think I do know how to make a living room fort. It sounds fun though. You sure you want me to join in on your time with your, momma?” His eyes were black with desire as he glanced toward Alyssa. He didn’t know what to say to her. She had just invited him over through her child and that was sexy as hell.
Lexie hopped up and down. “Oh yes, yes, yes, I can’t wait to make a fort now.”
Alyssa turned toward Alex and whispered. “Sorry, I didn’t want you to think of an excuse to not stay with us tonight. Plus, you have Sunday off, so it would be fun to spend the day together, and a perfect way to learn a little more about each other.”
Alex groaned and whispered, “You’re sexy as hell. If I forget to tell you that later, I thought I should let you know now.” Then he moved in his seat. “But you will make it difficult to walk now.”
Alyssa looked down and brushed her tongue across her bottom lip. “Well, maybe we can tend to that problem this weekend?”
“Alyssa!” he groaned. “I have to exit this truck now or I may opt to skip out on working today.” He reached his hand over and cupped the back of her neck to pull her in and kiss her sweet lips. They were just mere inches from each other, in a husky voice, he said, “You know how to drive a man crazy.” Then he kissed the tip of her nose and rested his forehead on her own. “I look forward to getting to know you more.”
A few minutes later they all headed into the cafe together. Alyssa felt all eyes on her, especially Anna and Rachel. Anna grinned. “I like this radiant shine you seem to be sporting today.” She laughed. “Do they offer this radiant shine to pastry chefs?”
Alyssa shook her head. “Yeah, yeah. So, how are things going today?”
Anna looked over at Alex as he said hi and kept walking to the kitchen. Anna ignored Alyssa’s question, and said, “So, I take it things are okay between you two?”
Alyssa sat down at a bar stool, and said, “We talked... finally.” She sighed. “I decided it was time to share my past and get everything out in the open.” She sat her purse on the counter and rested her elbows on the hard surface. “It’s
like the negative, the sadness, and everything else is just fading away. I can’t explain it. I can see now how sad I was though. How did you find it in you to deal with me? I mean, jeez, I would’ve wanted to slap sense into me. But, I’m ready to look to the future. Does this sound crazy? Please tell me I’m not crazy.”
Anna sat down next to Alyssa and assured her friend. “Honey, I’m so excited right now. This is huge. Maybe this is exactly how it’s all supposed to be. I mean, Alex applying for the job and moving here.”
Rachel sat down her notepad and leaned against the counter. “I’m with Anna on this one. Hell, Alyssa, for over two years you have been a zombie just going through the motions. Admit it, you know I’m right.”
Alyssa placed her hand on Rachel’s and in a whisper for only Anna and Rachel. “You’re right. When Alex stopped by last night unannounced, I was so freaking nervous. Then I found the courage to tell him my past. He was amazing and so understanding. After I poured my heart out, I felt so much weight off my shoulders. Plus, my libido went into overdrive. He will think I’m crazy, and I’m not, I swear.” In an even lower whisper, “Shit, look at the man. I’m having a tough time not throwing him on the floor now. My traitorous body is getting the best of me.”
Rachel and Anna both burst out laughing. Alex stuck his head out the order window, and asked, “Everything okay, ladies?”
All three of them glanced his way with similar look on their face, and said, “All good! How about you?”
Alex knew something was up, but ignored it all for now. He would get Alyssa to tell him. Just thinking about her caused his jeans to feel two sizes too small… again.
It would be a long day.
Alyssa had been in her office going over the order for Monday and completing the schedule. Lexie had been such a good girl all day and even helped make pastries with Anna. She had taken a two-hour nap on the cot in Alyssa’s office, then woke up and decided to color.
Alyssa had music on low, so she could listen for any issues out front. A light knock startled her and her body reacted toward the person on the other side of the door. She knew who it was before he even entered the room. She smiled. “Hey, how’s it going out there?”
He walked over to see what Lexie had been drawing. Then glanced at Alyssa. “Great, everything has been running smoothly.” Squatting down beside little Lexie, he asked, “Hey there sunshine, whatchya drawing?”
Lexie sounded serious. “You, momma, and me under our living room fort.”
Alex laughed. “Wow, you are doing a beautiful job, sweet pea.” He ruffled her hair and stood. “So, Stu is amazing in the kitchen.” He sat down in the chair opposite of Alyssa. “Did he apply for the chef position?”
She leaned back in her chair and stretched. “Well, I tried to convince him to, but he said no. He wanted a job with minimal stress. I couldn’t blame him. I mean, after years of intense stress in a chef position. Maybe he wants to enjoy this job differently?”
Alex leaned back and stretched out his long legs. He had his hands laced together behind his head and nodded. “I talked to him about being second in command when I’m not here; he said that was fine. Are you okay with that decision?”
“Alex, I brought you on board knowing you were comfortable taking charge. You know what will work best with your team. So, if Stu is happy, I’m happy.”
Alex leaned up, placed his elbows on his legs, and whispered, “I do enjoy taking charge.”
Alyssa took in a deep breath and let it out. “Alex!” Then pointing at him, she smiled. “Be good and let me get back to work. I need to get this done and head over to the pharmacy.” She stood and walked around her desk to stand by Lexie. She covered her daughter’s ears, and whispered, “You and I need something important for our slumber party.” Then she headed back to her chair and sat down.
Alex felt speechless. He sat there for a few moments. The room felt hot, and he needed air. He stood and headed to the door, then he turned and went over to cover Lexie’s ears yet again. “Make sure you get extra-large.” Then he turned and walked out of the room.
Now Alyssa was speechless.
Chapter 7
It had been a normal Saturday at the cafe. All the chairs were occupied and food was coming out of the kitchen non-stop. At about 7:30 p.m., Alex passed the reins over to Stu and packed up for the night. Alyssa had gotten a ride home with Anna because Alexandra needed to get home.
When Alex got into his truck, his phone buzzed. He glanced at the caller ID and smiled. “Well, this is a surprise. Hey there, Izzy!”
Isabel laughed. “Hey yourself. How’s Boise treating you?”
“Better than I expected. The chef position has been fantastic. You and Drew should come out for a visit soon.”
“Well, we may just do that. We both need a vacation soon.”
“So, what do I owe the honors for this call tonight? Everybody okay back home?”
“Oh, for sure. I was thinking about you and wanted to see if you were settled in and all that jazz.”
Alex smiled. “I am. The hours are random but the cafe is busy. The menu is killer, she added a brick oven for pizza and a wood smoker out back. So, you can only imagine how much I’m loving this menu.”
Isabel cleared her throat. “Um, did I hear a ‘her’ in that sentence?”
“Caught that, huh?” he laughed. “Alyssa Benson is the owner of Lexie Eats. She has also become someone I care about. Her daughter is Lexie and she is too precious.”
Isabel sighed. “Awwww, have you told your family yet?”
“Hell no, I can only imagine what my brothers will say. Plus, my mom is intense, so if you could wait to share that would be awesome.”
Isabel laughed. “I was voted ‘Best Secret Keeper’ in school, so you’re safe with me. I do think they would all be super excited to hear the news. Is it serious?”
“Best secret keeper, huh? Well good to know. It’s getting more serious. I’m heading to her house now. Alyssa and Lexie invited me over for a slumber party. Lexie’s excited to make a living room fort with me.” He admitted.
“Oh, Alex, that’s awesome. Now I want to drop everything and visit tomorrow. What are you all doing for Thanksgiving? If you can’t come home, maybe we can celebrate there with you all. It sounds like the food is fantastic. Turkey day could be awesome.”
“I haven’t thought that far ahead, but I should. Let me check with Alyssa and try to figure out their normal routine. I’ll get back with you on that,” he said, and put the key in the ignition.
“Sounds perfect! You go have fun making a fort. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Alex laughed. “So just go have fun?”
Isabel chuckled. “Exactly!”
“I’ll chat soon. Give Drew a punch on the arm for me.”
“I can do that. Take care, Alex!”
Alex hung up the phone and leaned back in his seat. He thought about how Isabel had entered Drew’s life. His older brother had met Isabel in the Spring; they both hit it off and were now engaged to be married. There was an instant connection with Isabel, he enjoyed talking on the phone with her periodically.
He could remember how happy he felt when Drew and Isabel got engaged. He still felt amazed at how his brother had fallen in love in just a few short weeks. Drew and Isabel were so happy when together.
His mind then drifted to Alyssa and how she made him hard with just a look. When she shared about her accident, he felt speechless. He could tell she seemed ready to move on. Her past obviously consumed her life. Which answered why she looked so sad when he first met her. Since Alyssa opened to Alex, she seemed stronger and maybe happier. Over the last few days it was nice to see how her smile reached her eyes.
He put the truck in drive and enjoyed the moment. The first moment being living room fort fun.
Alex chuckled at how Lexie threw back the door and ran toward his truck. “You late, Alex.” Then she tugged him toward the house. “Come on, hurry. Momma pulled out all the sheets
and blankets.”
Alex laughed as he was tugged along. As he got closer to the steps, he glanced up to find the woman who had invaded his every thought. Alyssa stood in the doorway looking sexy like always. She had a smile plastered on her face–and wow–that smile could do some serious damage to a man.
Alyssa wanted to run toward him and hold him tight. She loved how every time Alex was near, something about her world seemed to right itself. She laughed. “Did you have a tough time leaving the cafe? Was it get crazy after I left?” Alex stepped up beside her and without hesitation she leaned up on her tip toes to give him the sweetest kiss.
Alex knew he could get used to a greeting of that magnitude. He noticed Lexie hopping around, so he reached down and put her over his shoulder. She giggled in his arms. “It was busy. Plus, I ran home to grab clothes. Right when I was about to head this way, my soon-to-be sister-in-law called to catch up. But I made it. Then he brought Lexie down and tickled her. “So, you ready to teach me all about living room forts?”
Lexie jumped up and down. “Yes, yes, yes!”
After an hour full of giggles, the living room was now hidden behind several layers of sheets and blankets. Even the mantel displayed a few corners of the fabric held with hooks and heavy ceramics. They created a path in the fort to take you to the front door or to the kitchen. Once they finished building the fort, Lexie had run to grab a few of her stuffed babies. Alyssa sat Indian style in front of Alex who was lying down against several pillows.
Alex looked around. “This is a serious fort. Do you both do this often?”
Alyssa shook her head. “Oh, goodness no, more like once or twice a year. This will be like this for at least four days. I figure if she’s happy, I’m happy.”
Alex leaned up and bumped his head on a sheet. “Four days like this? Do you hide out in your bedroom?”